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Archive for December, 2014

Ramsey’s Station

Filed in Streets by on December 6, 2014 0 Comments • views: 7809
Ramsey’s Station

While it would be years before it became its own Borough on March 10, 1908, the Bergen County Atlas of 1876 does include an inset in its map of Hohokus Township entitled ‘Ramsey’s Station’, referring to the train station built on land acquired from Peter J. Ramsey. Early landowners, the Erie Railroad lines, and early […]


Villani’s Restaurant

Filed in Business by on December 5, 2014 0 Comments • views: 7771
Villani’s Restaurant

The view of Villani’s Restaurant in 1950 from Route 17, where patrons could enjoy “the finest food and and fountain service” either indoors or outdoors. The restaurant stood where the Howard Johnson’s used to be on Route 17, which has since been integrated into the Interstate Shopping Center.


Turkeys Grab Next Train Out

Filed in Transportation by on November 27, 2014 0 Comments • views: 7884
Turkeys Grab Next Train Out

A blast from the not so distant past, turkeys leaving town at the Ramsey Route 17 train station.


Rescue on the Tracks

Filed in Video by on October 20, 2014 2 Comments • views: 14149
Rescue on the Tracks

Ramsey, as the video begins, the kind of town where nothing much ever happens. I don’t know about that, but this is one of the times where Ramsey made national headlines for a famous rescue of two toddlers by a heroic Conrail train conductor on May 1st, 1989. The Conrail train was traveling eastbound thru Ramsey […]


Ramsey Baseball As It Was

Filed in Sports by on May 5, 2014 2 Comments • views: 9551
Ramsey Baseball As It Was

The Ramsey Field Club, circa their championship season of 1904.


The Trolley

Filed in Transportation by on March 10, 2014 0 Comments • views: 8514
The Trolley

This green trolley traveled between Suffern, NY and Ridgewood, NJ, crossing Main Street starting in 1908.


Town Entrance, circa 1930’s

Filed in Churches by on November 22, 2011 0 Comments • views: 6483
Town Entrance, circa 1930’s

Since the last time we saw it, the entrance to the town at Main Street and Franklin Turnpike where St. John’s Epsicopal church sits now features paved roads, a street light, curbs, and a number of new trees.


The First Killing in Ramsey?

Filed in Miscellaneous by on November 17, 2011 5 Comments • views: 41530
The First Killing in Ramsey?

In a town that counts its violent crimes in the single digits per decade, any killing is going to cause a sensation and Ramsey’s had a few over its couple of hundred year history.


Ramsey, NJ – Then & Now Video

Filed in Video by on October 31, 2011 6 Comments • views: 16784
Ramsey, NJ – Then & Now Video

This project, a short video, shows Ramsey, NJ as it was some 100+ years ago and those same locations today.


We All Need Republican Good Times

Filed in Government by on August 17, 2010 0 Comments • views: 3968
We All Need Republican Good Times

In honor of local politics, today’s post is an original 98 year old letter from the webmaster’s collection, sent to Ramsey’s first mayor, Dr. John B. Finch by the Republican County Committee.


St. John’s Episcopal Church

Filed in Churches by on August 12, 2010 1 Comment • views: 9512
St. John’s Episcopal Church

The postcard shows what is now the entrance to town at the intersection of Main Street and Franklin Turnpike as it appeared in 1908.


Ramsey Train Station

Filed in Transportation by on August 10, 2010 3 Comments • views: 8293
Ramsey Train Station

This photograph shows the Ramsey, NJ train station as it looked in 1911.