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Ramsey, NJ – Then & Now Video

Filed in Video by on October 31, 2011 • views: 16785

This project shows Ramsey, NJ as it was some 100+ years ago and those same locations today. This collaborative effort depended on: photographs originally taken by Paul and Emily Simpson of locations around town, scanning the corresponding older photographs in the Historical Association library, and combining it all with a little production help from Rita Kennedy. The result is the short documentary you see below.

Enjoy, Daniel Kennedy.

About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

Comments (6)

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  1. Karen Lubieniecki says:

    Thanks for a great video. As a former Ramsey resident it brings back lots of memories. Also: nice new website.

  2. John foley says:

    Thanks, great memories of living in Ramsey.

  3. Dennis Bond says:

    This was awesome! Keep up the great work! Super cool to see the roots of what became a great town! Hopefully people reach out with more old picture to juxtapose with new ones!

  4. Sabrina Persaud says:

    I am a member of St. John’s episcopal church in Ramsey and I would like someone to tell me if this church is named after ST. John the apostle or St. John the Baptist. It is very important to get this information correct as I am about to add a piece of permanent art to the church and I would like it to depict which ever is the correct saint.

    Thank you.

  5. Steve Schefers says:

    My father was a Ramsey historian. He had many postcards of “old time” Ramsey, and published many of them in the Dater’s old “Home and Store News”

  6. Samantha Armstrong says:

    Hello – how can I find out what stores occupied the end store in Interstate from 1984 and on? I know I worked at the Toy and Sports Warehouse in 1985 for a few years. How long was that there until? What came next?