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We All Need Republican Good Times

Filed in Government by on August 17, 2010 • views: 3969

Tomorrow the Ramsey Council will install one of the three candidates the local Republican County Committee put forth for the Council’s vacant seat, to hold that seat until a November election.

In honor of local politics, today’s post is an original 98 year old letter from the webmaster’s collection, sent to Ramsey’s first mayor, Dr. John B. Finch, a veterinarian who lived in the home at the corner of Main Street and Arch Street, from the very same Republican County Committee.

The fight requires some money.

In the letter Randolph Perkins proclaims that “we all need Republican Good times” and asks Mr. Finch (probably should have said Dr.) to “do your share” because “the fight needs money”.

National Politics at the Time

Recall that in just the next month, on November 5th 1912, Woodrow Wilson, the democratic candidate, handily won the election over Progressive Party Candidate (and former President) Theodore Roosevelt, with the Republican candidate William Howard Taft finishing with only eight electoral votes. Don’t feel too bad for Taft though, on June 30, 1921 he was nominated to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Warren G. Harding.

The NJ Governor in 1912?

The very same Princeton Professor who won the presidency, Woodrow Wilson.

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About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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