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Swiss Chalet

Filed in Business by on August 5, 2010 • views: 44586

Established in 1918 by Louise and Charles Pfuhl as a lunch and dinner restuarant.

Swiss Chalet, Route 17 Traffic Circle

Swiss Chalet - Card Back

It was located at the Franklin Turnpike exit off of Route 17 North, near the current location of a Shannon Rose restaurant and the Fountain Spa.

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Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. Jeff Oakland says:

    Ramsey used this restaurant for almost all it’s little league baseball awards ceremonies in the 60’s.

  2. Suzanne says:

    It was a beautiful restaurant with entertainment and great food. RHS would also hold their sports awards dinners there. The Pfuhl Family ran a very popular restaurant.

  3. Pam says:

    I remember it well. This was the place to go after our high school proms.

  4. Jim Newman says:

    Don Bosco had all their sports awards dinners there.

  5. Claudia says:

    have great memories going out to dinner as a family growing up in Ramsey; charming outside too;)

  6. Patti says:

    My family spent many times having lunch and dinner at the Swiss Chalet. I still miss it.

  7. Judith M. Rooney says:

    I worked as an RN in St. Vincent’s, NYC. My Parents lived in Yonkers. For many years we drove out to the the country for Thanksgiving dinner at the Swiss Chalet in Ramsey. I have many fond memories! Now, I live in Suffern and wish it was still there! Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  8. chris says:

    can anyone tell me the name of the female singer who sang in the bar at the Swiss Chalet during the weekends summer 1974…she sang midnight-blue like an angel..I was a busboy there at the time

  9. Mary Lou says:

    I had my wedding reception there. Feb. 8′ 1976

  10. Ginny Fisher Hull says:

    Class of 66 senior prom was at the Swiss Chalet

  11. Eric S. says:

    My sister’s Wedding reception was held here…. 1972.

  12. Fred Florio says:

    The Swiss Chalet was the host of many Ramsey Baseball Association dinners in the late 1950’s and 1960’s and perhaps beyond. Several notable players from the New York Yankees attended. Yogi Berra, Elston Howard, Moose Skowron to name a few. Also Larry Doby attended in 1958 or 1959. Jonny Kucks also from the Yankees. I was in Ramsey a couple of weeks ago and was sorry to see it gone.

  13. Barbara says:

    I believe this became Jimmy Reed’s which held teen dancing nights in the eighties and early nineties!

  14. Steve Seelinger says:

    Had our wedding reception here 48 years ago this coming weekend, Aug 31 Steve and Joyce, Paramus High graduates , 1964

  15. Linda Papenhausen says:

    I had my wedding rehearsal dinner there on April 10, 1971

  16. Steve Kendall says:

    In the 1940’s my uncle, Larry Kendall played the sax in t he band there. I also remember a band member named Cliff or Cliffy. My father Ed Kendall may have played the banjo at times. Anyone else remember this?

  17. Milbra Heck says:

    Who was the entertainer at the Silver Fox in the 60.s?

  18. Bruce Vivino says:

    My parents had their wedding reception at the Swiss Chalet, 80 years ago today, January 9, 1937. Then a long drive to The Senator Hotel in Atlantic City (no Garden State Parkway back then) for the honeymoon!

  19. Doug Ross says:

    As I recall, my Dad would by a Toblerone chocolate bar when we visited for dinner. He also purchased beer steins from the Swiss Chalet for his collection. My Mom cut a piece off one of the restaurant’s spider plants in the late 50’s or early 60’s. I still have a few spider plants from that clipping.

  20. Paul says:

    I remember this place well. I recall when it converted to Jimmy Reeds. It was a great spot for a young boy to really get his fingers very sticky.