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Ramsey Train Station

Filed in Transportation by on August 10, 2010 • views: 8296

This photograph shows the Ramsey, NJ train station as it looked in 1911.

The Ramsey, NJ Train Station

Built in 1868, it is the oldest passenger rail station still in service in New Jersey. Within a couple of years of the station’s completion, the Paterson & Ramapo was sold to the New York & Erie, later just the Erie Railroad, one of the most important companies during the golden age of American railroads.


About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. Ramsey’s Station : Ramsey History | December 6, 2014
  1. dave calleo says:

    Very interesting facts. You did a tremendous deal of work. Great job. Everything was amazing.

  2. Bill Regan says:

    I sold newspapers right under that Ramsey sign on the station, before school when I was in 5th grade. Had to get up early but learned and saw so much as a kid, even got robbed there one morning—couple of high school kids. The school bus for St Paul School would pick me up when it would stop at the crossing…I remember the old station master, a guy named Jim who died that same year I started (1965)—he told me the first day I was there that the price paid for selling papers at the station was to give him a free Daily News. I made $1.25 an hour—not bad for a 5th grader in ’65. The whole thing was like something out of a storybook, that place, those times, the people. Thanks for the memories Ramsey.