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H.R. Parvin Druggist

Filed in Business by on July 27, 2010 • views: 90983

Parvin’s Drugstore as it appeared on Main Street in Ramsey in 1908. On the telephone poll is an advertisment for the Frank’s Ice Cream sold inside. Farther up the pole note the “BOOTH INSIDE” message. Telephones at this time were still fairly new (first invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876), with few homes having them Parvin’s offered a public phone booth.

Where we buy our souvenirs.

Note the advertisement of bonbons and chocolates, always fresh, as well as 10 cent cures.

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About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. Mary Beth says:

    My family lived down the street from Parvin’s — on Maple Street. 1966 to 1984 or so. I remember my mother giving me $$ to go there to buy her cigarettes (before they banned selling them to minors!). My very first clock, a small pink wind-up bedside alarm clock with a bell on top, came from Parvin’s. I remember that store like it was yesterday.

  2. Thom Price says:

    My mother Emilie worked fot Parvins as a teenager in the early i930s and that is how she met my father, George Price, who worked at Doc Temperlyn’s Pharmacy in Allendale. Mom was twelfth of sixteen Peters children who were raised at 25 North Street. Dad was one of seven kids from Allendale and at one time I had many relatives who lived in various places in the Ramsey area. Mom spoke fondly of Mrs. Parvin and remained friends with the family for many years.

  3. Dorothy Conklin Magro says:

    I cannot believe that there exists a picture of the very place where my mother, Dorothy Consiglio Conklin and her brother Ralph were born. My grandparents, Della Suffern Consiglio and Pietro Consiglio lived in the apartment pictured above Parvin’s Drugstore from the time of their marriage in 1914 at the First Presbyterian Church in Ramsey until my grandfather’s death in 1918 during the pandemic of swine flu. My mother Dorothy was born in 1915 in that apartment where the balcony is and her brother was born there in 1917. My grandfather died in that apartment in Feb. 1918. My grandmother had such a high opinion of her landlords,the Parvins. My great grandparents, Peter and Irene Suffern had their homestead on 32 acres on the corner of Darlington Avenue and Grove Street across the street from the Union Cemetary. My grandmother Della and her nine siblings were all born in that house in the 188o’s. After my grandfather’s death, my grandmother Della took her two toddlers to live at that house so her mother could help her with the babies who were 3 and 1 1/2 at the time. My mother grew up in that house which had no running water and no electricity. She attended the Ramsey schools and was the valedictorian of the Ramsey High School class of 1934.

  4. David Rumpeltin says:

    Is this the building where Ramsey Hardware is today?

  5. Bill Regan says:

    Anybody remember “Chets Music Shop” or “Herb and Charlies”?…I spent a few years growing up in Ramsey back in 1960-65…whatever happened to those places? Ramsey provided wonderful memories, experiences, people, The Beatles, Mickey Mantle/Roger Maris, St Paul School. I sold newspapers before school at the Train Station when I was in 5th grade…lots of learnings.

    Write with Ramsey memories of that time period…

  6. Dennis Antoine says:

    My great great uncle was the first health inspector in the town of Ramsey. My aunt Doris and dad Albert(Rudy), both attended Ramsey HS. If anyone has info related to the health dept., i’d be interested to see it. thank you

  7. David DeLuca says:

    My dad Michael DeLuca was the second owner of Parvins from the 50’s until 1998. Great memories of working there for him. So many great customers that truly loved him.