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World War I Memorial, Bonnyview Park

Filed in Miscellaneous by on June 1, 2010 • views: 17957

The postcard entitled “World War I Memorial Bonnyview Park” seems appropriate a day after Memorial Day, and following the vast improvements made to Veteran’s Park in Ramsey over the past few months.

World War I Memorial, Bonnyview Park

The original idea for such a park was put forth by the Village Improvement Association, a woman’s group of the time. Edwin Carpenter, the same man who donated land for St. John’s Episcopal Church, donated the tract that would be dedicated as Bonny View Park in the 1920’s. The centerpiece of the park is the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Memorial honoring veterans of the first World War.

This postcard is from the site administrator’s personal collection.


About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. World War I monuments in Bergen County « history is a verb | January 28, 2011
  1. Helen Mekita says:

    The Village Inprovement Ass. is now called, The Womans Club of Ramsey

  2. Do you know who actually paid for monument? How much it cost? Who collected the money for it? Who built it? I have come across some very interesting information concerning this.

  3. RamseyNJHistory says:

    Why don’t you share?