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Ramsey High School (Dater School)

Filed in Education by on June 23, 2010 • views: 12089

Starting in 1912, the original Dater School building (torn down in 2006 to build the new grammar school) was the high school in Ramsey until 1937 when it switched to housing grades K-8.

Ramsey High School

The building had a significant renovation in 1923 that included the installation of a telephone system. In 1932 three additional classrooms were added. This postcard depicts the school post this first renovation.


About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. Ramsey’s First High School | Ramsey History | July 26, 2010
  1. Jim says:

    I lovd this school. Remember the sloping floor on the first level as you went from the gym to the lunch room!

  2. Linda Nonnenmacher Doyle says:

    My father (now 96, alive and well, and living with us in Alabama) graduated from there, and I attended kindergarten through 8th grade when it was known as School St. School. I have so many wonderful memories of the place. When we visited Ramsey a couple of years ago, we were shocked to see that the original school was no more. Time marches on.

  3. Jason says:

    Went there for 1-4 grade in the 80’s. Still can’t believe they tore the old girl down.

  4. I went to the School Street School for 6th grade and part of 7th right before they opened the Eric S. Smith School in 1968. Is that school still there? I do remember the sloping floor!! I liked the new school, it was gorgeous!!

    My father owned Fackelman’s taxi in town. George Fackelman, his phone was originally in Mrs. Graham’s record shop at the train station, then later in Fred Swallow’s barber shop. On the corner was the Garden State Farm’s milk store.

  5. Kenneth Fulton says:

    I went to this school from kindergarten though 5th grade when it was called John Y Dater Elementary School. I lived in that neighborhood and in fact at one point even lived right next door in the white house that would be to the right in that picture. I was able to watch cartoons right until I heard the bell ring! Us neighborhood kids would play in that schoolyard everyday after school. I was shocked to see the parking lot where the schoolyard used to be. I still remember my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Burslem. Nap time, lil ducky safety scissors, and plaster of paris handprints in pie tins that we gave to our parents as gifts. Ah, the good old days…

  6. Dorothy Conklin Magro says:

    My mother, Dorothy Consiglio Conklin was the valedictorian of this High School in 1934. She had so many fond memories of the old school and walking to it down Darlington Ave which was a dirt road.