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Post Office, Ramsey NJ

Filed in Government by on June 17, 2010 • views: 9786

While dropping mail off at the local inn, the mail stage, and of course the railroad helped early Ramsey residents send and receive mail, it was February 9th, 1855 when the town’s first Federal Post Office was authorized. On March 31st of that year, the first post office opened in the John Y. Dater building with Albert Lydecker as the town’s first postmaster.

While Ramsey was the 21st post office created in Bergen County, the redrawing of the county’s borders and closures since have made Ramsey’s the fifth oldest post office in the county.

Ramsey Post Office

This post card shows one of the previous locations of the Ramsey Post Office, now you may recognize it as the same building Morano’s Italian Gourmet Market is in.


About the Author ()

Daniel Kennedy is a local history buff and a board member of the Ramsey Historical Association.

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  1. Paul Culin says:

    I remember my 2nd grade class from the Hubbard school touring this post office in 1965. Then we set-up our own post office in the classroom and took turns as the postmaster.

  2. I remember that after the Post Office moved to it’s new location, somebody opened a pool hall in the old building. It wasn’t there very long but I remember vividly, my first and only visit. I was attending a private boarding school in West Newbury, MA and brought a fellow student to my home in Ramsey, for the weekend. We were walking downtown on that Saturday and I saw the pool hall for the first time, so my friend and I went in to shoot a few games. It was Jan. 28, 1967 and while playing a game the radio news informed us of the tragic fire that killed NASA astronauts Gus Grissum, Ed White and Roger Chaffee the previous day.

  3. Linda Nonnenmacher Doyle says:

    My dad was a mail carrier and worked in this building from around 1952 until it changed locations further up Main St. Memories…

  4. David Rumpeltin says:

    I carried mail with your father for many years He had route 6, the entire Country Club Estates, he used to call the upper estates “nanny goat hill”

    Say “hi” to your father tell him “never mind junior, sort your mail!”

  5. edith d'andrea says:

    My father worked there (with Mr. Nonnamacher)as a clerk. Everybody knew Stanley Kielch. Prior to that, he had been a carrier on a mounted route (using cars, not horses.) The even older Post Office was across the street in the Ststion Plaza, though it wasn’t called that back then.

  6. Loved growing up in Ramsey on Momar with the woods behind our house/ I had a flashback of my mom pulling up in front of the post office and leaving us kids in the car( like they used to do) while she ran in to send something. My dad took the train into the city each day and to this day I love the sound of a train whistle- it meant dad was on his way home. Ah the 50’s- good times in NJ. I appreciate these pictures.